Um... I sort of confused...
What the heck are you getting at?
Content: You start with mental health, then UK response compared to US response, and finally a simulation of a bombing at Long Beach. I'm confused... I thought this was a history lesson? You haven't done much on that subject, apart from talking about terrorist related subjects without making a point. Some of the illustrations are funny, but generally not. And where are you getting your information from? Unless you have a Ph.D in Terrorist Psychology or something I can't just take your word for this.
Graphics: Apart from the fact that you used a lot of random pictures, your drawing is generally terrible. Some of them were decent, like the beginning and the radiation poisoning parts, but overall, not.
Voice: Sounded too scripted rather than conversational, like it was supposed to be. The general music was okay though.
Overall, this animation wasn't very 'informative' as it was meant to be. The graphics were too bad and the topic wasn't well thought out. You need to rethink this, if you want to make it funny, then do so, if you want to be serious and informative, then do so. The in-between stance doesn't work well on a delicate subject like terrorism. Sorry 4 writing so much.